Electronic Part

Main Picture
1. Passive components
2. Active Components:
     OP Amp:
     ADC, DAC, Multiplexer:
>      FVC, VFC: TC9400/9401/9402
3. Sensor:
     Temperature: LM35, SHT75
4. 참고를 위한 YouTube
    About Electricity:
     - 전류 교류
     - Basic Electricity - What is voltage?
     - 단상과 3상의 차이
     - Star and Delta Connection
     - DC 직렬 회로
     - 교류발전기
     - DC 모터 설명
     - Electric Potential
     - Battery Energy and Power
     - Why use phase three?
     - 임피던스

    Electrical Lwa:
     - 전기회로 : 전압과 전류의 기본법칙
     - Ohm's Law
     - Ohm's Law
     - Basic Electricity - Resistance and Ohm's law

     - What is a resistor?
     - Resistors : Series and Parallel
     - How to Read a Resistor
     - RSD Academy - The Resistor Color Code
     - How a RESISTOR works ⚡ What is a RESISTOR

     - Capacitor Explained
     - 콘덴서에 대한 설명- 콘덴서
     - Capacitor

     - 인덕터를 설명하다
     - 인덕터 및 인덕턴스
     - Transformers - Electric Power transmission
     - How does a Transformer work ?

     - 다이오드 설명
     - How does a Diode work ?
     - How to make a 8x8x8 LED Cube at Home

     - 트랜지스터 설명 – 트랜지스터 작동 방식
     - Transistors - Field Effect and Bipolar Transistors: MOSFETS and BJTs
     - Working of Transistors | MOSFET
     - Transistors, How do they work ?
     - BJT Transistors - Electronics Switches and Inverters

    OP Amp:
     - Operating Amplifiers - Inverting & Non Inverting Op-Amps
     - Op Amp Circuits: Analog Computers from operational amplifiers

     - Logic Gates from Transistors: Transistors and Boolean Logic

     - What is a microcontroller and how microcontroller works
     - Difference between Microprocessor and Microcontroller
     - An Introduction to Microcontrollers
     - Microprocessor vs. Microcontroller vs. System on Chip (SoC)

     - What is a Sensor? Different Types of Sensors, Applications
     - Types of Sensors
     - Pressure Switch Explained | Types of Pressure Switches
     - 3 Wire PNP & NPN Sensor wiring | Sensor Connection Diagram

     - How does a Thyristor work?
     - 계전기 작동 방법
     - Optical fiber cables, how do they work?
     - Stepper Motors with Arduino - Controlling Bipolar & Unipolar stepper motors
     - Stepper Motor - How It Works
     - Electronic Basics #24: Stepper Motors and how to use them
     - Stepper Motors with Arduino - Controlling Bipolar & Unipolar stepper motors
     - What is a PCB?
     - Understanding Electromagnetic Radiation!
     - Introduction to ADC and DAC

YouTube Channel
     - All About Electronics
                Main Picture
               Main Picture

     - Physics Videos by Eugene Khutoryansky
                Main Picture
               Main Picture

     - Lesics
                Main Picture
               Main Picture

     - The Engineering Mindset
                Main Picture
               Main Picture

     - Afrotechmods
                Main Picture
               Main Picture